Home Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accident attorneys in Virginia

Experienced Virginia motorycle accident attorneys ready to help you

downed motorcycle with an ambulance in the background Good reasons to ride a motorcycle include the thrill of the open road, the sense of freedom, and the connection with the world around you, to name a few. Riding a motorcycle can be an exciting recreational activity, as well as practical, affordable transportation.

Along with the thrills come the risks of riding a motorcycle. U.S. motorcyclist traffic deaths happened 27 times more often than fatalities in other vehicles in 2014, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Further, almost 5,000 people died, and 88,000 were injured in U.S. motorcycle crashes in 2015, according to the Insurance Information Institute.

At GibsonSingleton Virginia Injury Attorneys, we represent people who have been injured in motorcycle accidents. Our Eastern Virginia traffic accident attorneys understand the pain and difficulties you may be dealing with after a serious motorcycle crash. Knowing the facts about motorcycle wrecks can help you make informed decisions if you’ve been injured.

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"The Gibson and Singleton team exceeded my expectations. They are professional and personable!"

- Olivia S.

What are the rights and responsibilities of a motorcycle driver?

A motorcyclist in the Commonwealth of Virginia has the same rights to use our streets and highways as the driver of any other type of vehicle. The sad truth is that many motorcycle accidents are caused by the other driver, who fails to see the motorcycle in the roadway, fails to yield the right-of-way, or cuts the motorcyclist off in traffic.

If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident caused by another driver, you have the right to seek compensation for your injuries. Of course, as a motorcycle driver, you are also expected to follow the same laws and basic safety precautions, including routine maintenance.

Roadway safety starts with making sure your bike is in good operating condition. That means maintaining your tires and regularly checking steering, struts, and other control mechanisms. Replace worn out components, keep operating fluids at the appropriate levels, and maintain electrical wiring. To enhance safety, it is particularly important to make sure all lights and signals are working properly.

Like other drivers, motorcyclists are always expected to give adequate warning for lane changes, and lane splitting is prohibited in the Commonwealth. By law, all riders in the Commonwealth must do the following:

  • Have a muffler or other noise dissipating device;
  • Wear a protective helmet that meets the standards of the Snell Memorial Foundation, the American Standards Institute, or the federal Department of Transportation;
  • Wear face protection, unless the bike is equipped with a windscreen;
  • Have additional footrests and a seat for passengers; and
  • Have a mirror that reflects a view of the highway for at least 200 feet.

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What are the most common motorcycle accident injuries?

When a motorcycle crashes, serious or fatal injuries are more likely to occur, because the rider does not have the protection of an enclosed vehicle. A wide range of injuries can result from a motorcycle accident, including the following most common ones:

  • Head injury (including concussion and traumatic brain injury)
  • Neck injury (which can result in paralysis or death)
  • Road rash (severe abrasions when the rider is thrown from the bike and slides across the pavement)
  • Muscle damage (can occur anywhere on the body, including the eardrums);
  • Biker’s arm (when a biker thrown in an accident braces against the fall, and the arm gets the full force of impact
  • Leg injury (fractures of the legs, feet, and knees; and large cuts)

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How can a motorcyclist be injured by a negligent driver?

Negligent drivers are frequently responsible for accidents that involve motorcycles, so it is important to be extra cautious on the road. Be wary of other vehicles to protect yourself and others. Common types of dangerous and irresponsible driver behavior that may factor into an accident include:

  • Speeding. The faster a driver is going, the longer it will take them to respond to hazards on the roadway. Speeding also increases the level of damage and injuries in a crash.
  • Reckless Driving. Weaving in and out and of traffic, unsafe passing, and tailgating are three examples of reckless behavior that imperil the safety of everyone on the roadway.
  • Distracted Driving. Distracted driving, such as texting, talking, or changing the radio are also risky activities. Phone use in particular is a significant factor in many accidents.
  • Improper Turns. One of the most dangerous things a driver can do is make a sudden turn. Drivers should do their part to follow all laws at an intersection and never make an illegal U-turn.
  • Running an Intersection. Running through a stop sign or a red light is a major cause of traffic accidents and fatalities. A driver who sees a yellow light should always slow down and stop if possible. There is no excuse for running a red light, which endangers the life and safety of everyone at the intersection.
  • Drunk or Impaired Driving. Alcohol and controlled substances impair the driver’s judgment, reflexes, vision, and reaction time and are another major factor in many collisions.
  • Wrong-Way Driving. Drivers should always pay attention to signs indicating one-way roads, especially when they are in an unfamiliar area. Wrong-way drivers are very dangerous because other drivers are not expecting them.

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Why should I file a motorcycle accident claim?

A Virginia motorcycle crash can cause serious or catastrophic injuries – including damage to the brain or spinal cord. Medical treatment is expensive, and your injuries could result in a long period in which you cannot work and earn a living. The careless driver who caused your accident should be held responsible for your injuries and cover all your losses, including these most common ones:

  • Medical expenses
  • Rehabilitation
  • Lost wages
  • Lost future earnings
  • Pain and suffering

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Get help from our Virginia motorcycle wreck lawyers

When we handle your claim, our Gloucester motorcycle accident attorneys at GibsonSingleton Virginia Injury Attorneys can negotiate skillfully on your behalf for the best possible settlement. We are not afraid to take your case to court if necessary to pursue the compensation you deserve. We work on a contingency basis, which means we don’t get paid until we recover compensation for you. For a free consultation (and information about laws involving lane-splitting, helmets, and insurance), contact us or call us at (804) 413-6777 or toll-free (855) 781-6777.

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Recent Motorcycle Accident Case Results

DISCLAIMER. Each case is handled based on the individual facts and circumstances of the case. These results are NOT indicative of the outcome of any potential case. All case results depend upon a variety of factors unique to each case, and these case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any future case undertaken by our firm.

  • $300,000 Compensation - Motorcyclist suffered fractured bones in a crash after a driver failed to yield the right of way.
  • $120,000 Compensation - Motorcyclist was injured when a car made an illegal u-turn in his path of travel, causing a major crash.

See more case results here.

Additional Information

Call our Eastern Virginia office today for a free consultation
at (804) 413-6777 or toll free (855) 781-6777.

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Community Service

Prevention, empathy, and diligence are hallmarks of everything we do at GibsonSingleton Virginia Injury Attorneys. Our community can see these ideals lived out in our work to prevent personal injuries from happening.

  • Safety Education
    GibsonSingleton launches “Texts=Wrecks” campaign to reduce the number of people injured or killed by distracted drivers.
  • Annual Coat Drive
    During the fall, our team works to distribute coats to people in need in our community.
  • Hands-on Service
    John and Ken join the Gloucester Point Rotary Club in cleaning up the community.
  • Supporting Local Schools
    The Gibson family participates in Gloucester’s Botetourt Elementary Shuffle fundraiser.