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From serving our country to serving our community

By Ken Gibson on June 16, 2017

Ken MarineJohn Marine


That word means a lot of things. Serving dinner. The service you get in a restaurant. Serving as a deacon at your church. Here’s a phrase you hear a lot around Eastern Virginia:

“Thank you for your service.”

It’s not easy being an American service member.

Brave men and women in uniform are fighting and dying every day in foreign countries, far from here. These are our neighbors, our friends, and our family. Eastern Virginia (including the Middle Peninsula and the Northern Neck) is home to the second-largest number of military personnel outside of the Pentagon. Being a lawyer and being a soldier have a lot in common. John Singleton and Ken Gibson were U.S. Marines, and now, they put their hearts into standing up for people who have been injured.

Not every accident needs a lawyer. In fact, we hope you never need our services. But if you do, we are here to serve you. Serving as Marines has helped us be better lawyers:

  • Compassion. From serving overseas to serving our community, caring about our neighbors is what we do now. For serving our neighbors.
  • Courage. Trucking companies and their insurance carriers can be vicious. We’re not afraid of them. Ken Gibson was a U.S. trial lawyer in Washington, D.C., trying cases in big cities around our country. John Singleton used to work for a big insurance company, and he knows all their tricks. For standing up for justice.
  • Confidence. Knowing the rules, and playing by them. We are always prepared so that we know exactly what to do. For fighting on behalf of our clients.

Being a lover of people and a fighter for them is a tough road, but American soldiers walk it every day. We hold that up as our standard, and we serve every person who walks in our doors in that spirit. We at GibsonSingleton Virginia Injury Attorneys offer a free meeting if you’ve been hurt in an accident and have any questions. Call us today at (804) 413-6777.

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Community service

Prevention, empathy, and diligence are hallmarks of everything we do at GibsonSingleton Virginia Injury Attorneys. Our community can see these ideals lived out in our work to prevent personal injuries from happening.

  • Safety Education
    GibsonSingleton launches a “Texts=Wrecks” campaign to reduce the number of people injured or killed by distracted drivers.
  • Annual Coat Drive
    During the fall, our team works to distribute coats to people in need in our community.
  • Hands-on Service
    John and Ken join the Gloucester Point Rotary Club in cleaning up the community.
  • Supporting Local Schools
    The Gibson family participates in Gloucester’s Botetourt Elementary Shuffle fundraiser.